
November 2nd 2009 - February 28th 2010

“No day will ever erase you from the memory of time”

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Tim. He is Jackson's father and the only other person who knows what I am going through. If it wasn't for him I would never be able to get out of bed in the morning or even come home at night. Tim and I met via eharmony 3 years ago and the reason I decided to go on a date with him was because he had a picture of himself and his new baby niece together on his profile. I knew that he was going to be a great father from that picture. Needless to say it took a few dates for my head and heart to come to an agreement but ever since it has our life has been filled with more love then anyone can imagine. When Jackson died I was warned that it could tear a relationship apart, which scared me more then anything. I had already lost one person I loved I was not prepared to lose another. When he was off work for 3 months he took care of me like no one could, making sure I ate and that laundry got done and that the house was clean. I am reminded everyday why I chose him to be with forever. When he makes me laugh, or when were sharing a glass of wine together, even when we are crying and remembering Jackson together. Every step we take to heal, we take together. I believe that our relationship will make it through this tragic loss and that when we are 90 years old we will still be together remembering our life, our love and our little boy.


  1. sometimes it freaks me out that you and I have the same thought on the same day. I read this post yesterday, and before I knew you'd posted it, I was thinking to myself about you and Tim, and I remembered when you showed me his profile on facebook. I remembered you showed me the picture of him holding his neice, and I thought to myself "if he loves his neice this much, he probably can't wait to have children". I hope for the best for you and Tim, and someday, maybe more children, because lets face it, you made one beautiful baby that I adored, and I can only hope for more to share all my auntie love with.
    Love you forever Jackson xoxo - Auntie Lisa

  2. So cute and great that you have found such a rock!
