
November 2nd 2009 - February 28th 2010

“No day will ever erase you from the memory of time”

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Dark Place

The Dark Place. I have heard it spoken many times before. I try to stay away from it because I am afraid if I go back in it might be hard to come out. Knock on wood but I haven't had to take anything after Jackson died like anti-depressants, although the doctor perscribed me something to help me sleep for the first couple of weeks. Sometimes I would like to go get some more to hopefully drown out the snoring from the cat, dog and boyfriend. I have tried to remain relatively positive through this process, by writing, reading and talking to other people, but I do have a dark place. When I feel myself slipping into it I yank myself back out of it. People always say to me "your so amazing", "or I don't know how you do it". Me either. If I did I would be writing these steps down, selling the book and be a millionaire. Maybe I am a good actress and I should find an agent because I am fooling many of you and myself. I should tell people I still have a dark place where I go and woe is me, others don't deserve their children, etc, etc. That is what my facilitator describes as coping. For now I stay away from the dark place because if I get to deep I might not be able to crawl out for awhile. So for now I see it and I know its there but I keep it locked up until I am strong enough to deal with it.


  1. There is nothing wrong with going to the dark place. If you avoid it for too long, it will creep up on you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Learning how to cope in both "worlds" is, unfortunatly, something we have to learn to deal with.
    Thinking of you often

  2. The dark place is scary to think about going to but it is only part of the journey that we all go through. But we do get through it.
