
November 2nd 2009 - February 28th 2010

“No day will ever erase you from the memory of time”

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

12 weeks

12 weeks is a long time. For some woman who have had a miscarrage it feels like forever to make it to that twelve weeks. I remember with Marleigh I thought I would never mentally make it to 12 weeks. Every twinge or pain made me think this was it I'm losing this baby too. Everytime I went to the bathroom I would check to see if there was blood. I took my temperature until I was 7 weeks because I knew as long as my temperature was high I was safe. I finally stopped taking it after I was making myself completely stressed out. I remember with Jackson I went from not pregnant to 12 weeks without even batting an eye. I didn't even wait until I was 12 weeks before I told everyone we were expecting. The only time I felt I was waiting for something was at the end when he was 11 days overdue. Well I am currently 13 weeks 4 days. I wish that I could say that this 12 weeks went by like a breeze but I would be lying. From the start I had spotting. The doctor said as long as it stayed brown in colour not to worry but if becomes red to come into the office or go to hospital. At 6 weeks 6 days I woke up to red bleeding and went straight to the hospital. I thought that was it. I lost another baby. I cried the whole way to the hospital and cried while in triage. The wonderful ER nurse said to not worry because they have women coming in with all sorts of bleeding and it doesn't always mean a miscarrage. I prayed she was right. The doctor came in and checked me with a ultra sound and found the baby safe and sound. Another ultra sound showed I had a small hematoma. At 9 weeks I met with my midwife and she was able to find the heartbeat and at 13 weeks we got our 2nd ultra sound and saw our baby. This pregnancy so far has been extremely tiring, my husband and daughter have been tag teaming the cold and flu season. Everytime I see a glimmer of wellness between the two of them they pick something else up. Knock on wood I haven't had anything myself. My husband says I am the rock. I think its because I have worked in daycare for so long I have already picked up all sickness. I am hoping to make it to June working and then take a month off to spend with Marleigh before I have another baby. Tim is really wanting to find out what the baby is because we have stuff for both a girl and boy. I am not sure how I will make it another 27 weeks not finding out but I will do my best. I will have to have another c-section which will probably be about a week before my due date which is July 20th. So 13 weeks down 27 more to go.